Saturday, January 1, 2011

December Ideas

Musical Christmas Tag (from

I numbered the tags to coordinate with the songs we were practicing.  A couple of the tags were starred - and we would sing those songs a fun or funny way.  While the kids were singing - they passed these two stars around playing "Tag" with them.  When the stars "tagged" each other, the person holding both stars got to come pick the next Christmas tag. This activity seemed like it would be awesome - but, it was a little tricky and confusing.

Singing Christmas Cookies!  (from:

I used this idea for the week the sunbeams came in for the first time.  It was a huge hit!  We all pretended to roll out cookie dough while we sang "Do As I'm Doing".  Then I had a child choose a cookie cutter (with a song title attached) - and find the right shape on the "cookie dough" - and pretend to cut out the cookie.  The child then placed it on the cookie sheet.  We sang each song.  Then we pretended to cook the cookies.  Then we reviewed a few songs to earn frosting for the cookies.  They pretended to aim their frosting at the right cookie and I stuck the "frosting shapes" on.  We had a good time!

Singing Christmas Presents:

The week before the Primary children sang in Sacrament Meeting, I wanted them to pass off all of their Christmas songs.  I had clues in each present to represent the song we would be passing off.  A child would come up and open a present, show everyone the clue inside, and guess which song we would be singing (the pianist played hints as needed).

  The children then sang the song their very best while they watched the bow on the giant present.  If the bow made it to the top of the present (I reinforced the back with cardboard so the bow could move up and down easily), the song was passed off - and they got to untie a ribbon off of THEIR gift bag.  Inside the gift bags were candy canes for each of them.  But, they had to pass off every song to untie the ribbons to get to the gift.  They sang with all of their hearts!

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